Pien is a member of the Songbird Team and reinforces my point that I’m surrounded by incredible talent… 

This track is top tier! 

It starts with arpeggiated synths, and a ticking clock – arpeggiated synths could be used to illustrate a dream sequence. Given the references to dreaming, this works really well. The ticking clock illustrates age, not time here giving it a poetic element. 

When Pien sings about toeing the line and living a regular life then the music becomes very much like a “corporate” sound you can just imagine from the dream sequence living things up but then working in an office and becoming part of a machine, doing the commute, you can see there is a good idea for a video here. 

So why am I focusing on this?

It’s the lyrical content of the song it’s all about what you hear about in the music industry being too old to be doing what you do. The self doubt – even as a nearly 49 year old musician still finding and learning my place in the music industry I can really identify with this song. 

But here’s the thing – in the time I’ve been blogging about musicians they come in different ages shapes and sizes and that is changing the musical world we live in. 

And it’s glorious.


We love you. 

Don’t give up. 

Listen to ‘Old’ here now

Review by Del Osei-Owusu